Figuring It Out
Figuring It Out
Letter From a Friend XXXIII

Letter From a Friend XXXIII

A person success if they know where they are, and they know where they're going — and they're progressively moving in the right direction.


Lately I’ve been looking back at all that has happened since I moved to Boston.

The life I live now, I never would have imagined it.. but yet I did.

I can accredit a massive amount of “success” to what I had envisioned.

Sitting down within late nights to just dream, to just sit and take it all in.. and this is something I want to invite you all to do.

It’s honestly super simple. [ my pinterest board ]

And it won’t take more than 10 mins at a time.. which you can later on print these out and post on your wall.

Besides that, begin visualizing as soon as possible. Write out who you want to see yourself as, how you want to wake up in the morning, and just how you want to see YOUR WORLD.

Links of the Week.

“Silence the Doubt” motivational video.

I know not everyone enjoys these but sometimes it’s the kick in the ass I need to get in gear to create MORE.

Deep Ohm Mantra w/River sounds.

I’ve been tuning into this during the train rides back home and what not –– really gives me some time to think.. on what’s next.

“Spark Joy” - Design links for developers.

Neat little repo I found that is loaded with notes and resources to add a little “spark” to your small projects.

Thank You.



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Figuring It Out
Figuring It Out
Self Development Journal & Hot Links.