Figuring It Out
Figuring It Out
Letter From a Friend XL (40)

Letter From a Friend XL (40)

I. Reflection

Making Everything a Priority Means Nothing Is.

This is something that’s been floating around my mind while I read Developing A Leader Within You 2.0 is how much time I spend on certain things.

What can I automate to an extent vs what really needs my time to bring me 80% forward.

Something actionable that I’ve started bringing into practice is simply writing down the top 3 things I need to do within the start of the day (and I’m sure you’ve heard this one before) but I have something to add to this formula as well.

Begin to create time for “nothing” so you can make room to think about your process.

Not simply jumping from todo to todo, but pausing and reflecting on what you’re completing.

Besides that, I’m sure as I read through this book some more there will be some more discoveries ^-^.

II. Links

How to Turn Your Mind from An Enemy to an Ally.

This one honestly blew me away as I listened to it at work, if you’re going to only click one of these links please let this be the one.

게임 할 때 듣는 음악 MAPLE STORY OST

One of my favorite childhood games, Maplestory.. if you haven’t played it just tune into the soundtrack ~ great studying tunes.

20 Templates to Get Started With Notion

If you don’t use Notion already, check out this templates and you can see how useful it all really is 🙏.

Love Micah,

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Figuring It Out
Figuring It Out
Self Development Journal & Hot Links.