Figuring It Out
Figuring It Out
Still Figuring It Out.

Still Figuring It Out.

👋 Hey Friends,

It’s been a real long time since we’ve last communicated - and there’s been so much that has changed.

We’ve lost plenty of lives around us, and with that bits of pieces of ourselves are lost as well.

And to top that off, with all of that going on — I know those who are still in school and working have to find a way to squeeze that into the mix.

All of this can lead you to insanity 😌, honestly.

At this point we’re all looking for a solution for things to go “back to normal” or “back to the glory days”, well the honest answer is we’re never going back there.

With that mindset of looking to go back to normal, we’re just like the people who are constantly trying to relive their high school glory days.. and you know you don’t want to be like that 🙅‍♂️.

🏃‍♂️ So, where do we go from here?

What are the steps to at least get us in speed with this new found world 🏃‍♂️?

  1. Drop the resistance.

    You know the quote from Bruce Lee about being like water, to adapt to the situation and mend a solution per the environment.

    We have to stop FORCING actions and learn to flow into it.. don't bring all the extra resistance to your tasks. Do the chores, write the assignment, or simply brain dump what you have to do.

  2. How am I feeling right now?

    Sit down and really write down what's going on in your life.

    Analyze all parts 🔍 — your finances, your relationships, your hobbies, your career, and even your relationship with spirituality.

  3. What's the best solution, and get specific with it?

    Now how can you move from where we are today. When we play video games or read a story there's a path that the hero carves out for themselves.

    "I need to complete A, B, and C in order to become better at this skill to tackle that final boss." →

    We can take our struggles and map out what we need to do.. for example.

    I want to become a better visual designer with plenty of examples of motion design

    So, looking at this.. if I focus down on creating UI work from now till December I can create around 100 different UI mockups and explore motion design in every single on of those.

    By the time I'm done with that, I'll have a huge body of work that will speak for itself.

🔗 A few bookmarked links I had over the week.

LSDDREAM - Ace of Cups

I would tune into this track, and practice breathing here and there. Something I know I should share with everyone.

Fuse - Interesting Internet

Plenty of design inspiration, and just people being creative on the web.

Krist & Yu - 21 ways to get yourself out of a rut

I’ve been enjoying a lot more of these relaxed videos and also thinking about trying my hand at creating content like this as well.


Stay safe out there friends, if you’re feeling a little bit lonely feel free to jump into the group slack channel I created or send me a message!

Love Micah,

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Figuring It Out
Figuring It Out
Self Development Journal & Hot Links.